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Flag United Kingdom

University of Warwick

Warwick Dentistry, Warwick Medical School, Gibbett Hill Road, Coventry CV4 7AL Visit website


MSc Endodontics 3 - 5 years part-time

Awards: MSc

Flag United Kingdom

University of Warwick

Warwick Dentistry, Warwick Medical School, Gibbett Hill Road, Coventry CV4 7AL Visit website


Postgraduate Certificate 1 year part time

Awards: Certificate

Flag United Kingdom

University of Warwick

Warwick Dentistry, Warwick Medical School, Gibbett Hill Road, Coventry CV4 7AL Visit website


University Diploma Course 2 year part time

Awards: Diploma

Flag Israel

The Hebrew University-Hadassah School of Dental Medicine

Jerusalem Visit website


3 year full-time program 3 year

The residency in Endodontics is intended for graduates in Dental Medicine. The Specialization Program in Endodontics offers a comprehensive instruction in clinics and a theoretical background of the diagnosis and treatment of endodontic cases.

Awards: Certification: Those Residents who will fulfill successfully all the required steps, including the Board Examinations, will receive their specialist license from the Ministry of Health.

Flag Spain

Universidad de Sevilla

Facultad de Odontologia C/ Avicena s/n. SEVILLA ES - 41009 Visit website


Diploma (PGDip) 1 year

Curso de Formación Especializada en Endodoncia Avanzada

Flag Israel

Rambam Medical Center Haifa POB 9602 Haifa Visit website


3 year full-time program 3 year full-time program

Course is for graduates in Dental Medicine. Includes clinicical and theoretical instruction of diagnosis and treatment of endodontics and dental traumatology. On completion and Board Examination graduates receive specialist license.

Awards: Certification

Flag Greece

Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki

School of Dentistry THESSALONIKI 540 06 Visit website


MSc 3 Years

Clinical training in Endodontology linked to Masters level degree.

Awards: Master of Science

Flag Spain

Universitat de València

Clínica Odontologica C/ Gascó Oliag, 1. VALENCIA ES - 46010 Visit website


Master in Endodontics 2 years full time (95 ECTS credits (2375 hours) an equivalent to 30 hours / week

The course follows the ESE criteria for postgraduate education in endodontics and includes two on line didactic activities (Dental Traumatology -5 months- and Dental Bleaching -6 months-). 75% of time is clinical activities at University of Valencia.

Flag Spain

Universitat de València

Clínica Odontologica C/ Gascó Oliag, 1. VALENCIA ES - 46010 Visit website


Certificate in rotary and microscopic endodontics 6 months modular course

Certificate in rotary and microscopic endodontics

Flag Spain

Universitat de València

Clínica Odontologica C/ Gascó Oliag, 1. VALENCIA ES - 46010 Visit website


Diploma in Endodontics. 10 ECTS credits (250 hours) modular course

This course focuses in teaching endodontics with the aid of a microscope. Directors: Prof. Leopoldo Forner, MD, DDS, PhD; and Dr. Sebastián Ortolani, DDS.

Awards: Diploma