Chris Stock
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Mr Chris Stock on 26th December, a founder member (along with 11 colleagues) of the ESE in 1983. Chris was also a president of the British Endodontic Society, author, speaker renowned clinician and mentor to so many in the endodontic world. Chris will be fondly remembered to have been part of the European movement that nurtured, advanced and enabled endodontics to develop from being a nascent dental discipline to the popular and recognised specialty that it is today.
Paul Calas Research Prize 2025
The French Society of Endodontics invites you to submit applications for the annual Paul Calas Research Prize awarded with 3000 euros. The deadline for submission is 30 September 2025. Further details are available at Prix PAUL...
New ESE Grants are available!
ESE announces new ESE Grants model with up to €30,000 financial support.
Introducing our new Benefits of Endodontics Committee Chair
The European Society of Endodontology is pleased to announce the appointment of Helena Fransson as Chair of the Benefits of Endodontics Committee since October 2024. Helena has joined the Executive Board for an initial term of 4...
The ÖGE and the VDZE will be awarding research prizes at the Meeting in Vienna
The abstract must be submitted by e-mail to [email protected]
by October 1, 2024.
2020 ESE Research Grant
Extracellular Vesicles derived from primed Dental Mesenchymal Stem Cells: Toward cell-free therapeutic applications to control pulp inflammation and facilitate dental pulp regeneration
AIE Awards 2025
The Italian Academy of Endodontics (AIE), on the occasion of the 2nd AIE International Congress (Bologna, February 28 - March 1, 2025), announces the "Lucia Mareschi" Award for the best clinical case, reserved for all Students and graduates in Dentistry, regularly registered in the 2nd AIE International Congress (Bologna, 28 February - 1 March 2025).
TEN_NvvE guidelines
The NVVE (Dutch Association for Endodontology) has recently developed updated Guidelines on Endodontic Diagnosis and Treatment
Access Live Interview with Special Guest Laura Andriukaitiene
Watch here this special interview with Laura Andriukaitiene, ESE Engagement & Communications Chair with Huber Golabek
Watch Now: Endo Talk special interview with Hal Duncan
Watch here the live interview with Hal Duncan on the ESE Autumn Meeting in Krakow. Our President was the special guest on Endo Talk with Hubert Golabek from the Polish Dental Association.
Watch the latest ESE Live Session with Gianluca Gambarini on Autumn Meeting session preview
Watch here the latest ESE Live Session with President-Elect and Autumn Meeting speaker Gianluca Gambarini on his session preview - "Clinical advantages of heat treated nicke-titanium instruments"
Watch the latest ESE Live Session on the Autumn Meeting with speaker Gianluca Plotino
Watch here the latest ESE Live Session with speaker Gianluca Plotino on the Autumn Meeting session "Root Canal Instrumentation - Research Background and Gaps in Knowledge".
2019 ESE Research Grant
The contribution of apical periodontitis to systemic chronic inflammation and the role of the endodontic infection in the inflammatory response.
Rewatch the latest ESE Live Session with Autumn Meeting Speaker Maciej Zarow
ESE Live session with Autumn Meeting speaker Maciej Zarow avaialble here!
ESE publishes S3 level Clinical Practice Guidelines
Click here to read the full guidelines on the available and most effective treatments to manage patients with pulpitis and AP in order to preserve teeth over a patient's lifetime.
Rewatch ESE Live Session with Hal Duncan
ESE Live Session with ESE President Hal Duncan focusing on “Disseminating the findings of the ESE S3 guidelines” available now here!
Rewatch ESE Live Session with Gianluca Gambarini
The ESE Live Session with ESE President-Elect Gianluca Gambarini on “Unveiling the Autumn Meeting in Krakow” is available here
Welcome ESE COO Monica Freire
Mónica joins ESE as Chief Operating Officer and will work closely with Executive Board,
managing the daily activities, ensuring the implementation of the strategic direction of the
Society and engaging with the ESE community and different stakeholders.