International Journal of Endodontics - accepted articles

21 August 2021

International Journal of Endodontics - accepted articles


International Endodontic Journal

Accepted Articles

Accepted, unedited articles published online and citable. The final edited and typeset Version of Record will appear in the future.

Free Access 


Does MTA provide a more favourable histological response than other materials in the repair of furcal perforations? A systematic review

L. S. Pinheiro, P. M. P. Kopper, R. M. Quintana, R. K. Scarparo, F. S. Grecca

First Published: 21 August 2021


Reduction of dual‐species biofilm after sonic‐ or ultrasonic‐activated irrigation protocols: a laboratory study

Daniela Hoedke, Namira Kaulika, Henrik Dommisch, Sebastian Schlafer, Hagay Shemesh, Kerstin Bitter

First Published: 21 August 2021


Biological parameters, discolouration, and radiopacity of calcium silicate‐based materials in a simulated model of partial pulpotomy

Lilian Vieira Oliveira, Gabriela Leite de Souza, Gisele Rodrigues da Silva, Thamara Eduarda Alves Magalhães, Gabrielle Alves Nunes Freitas, Ana Paula Turrioni, Gabriella Lopes de Rezende Barbosa, Camilla Christian Gomes Moura

First Published: 21 August 2021