37° SIE National Congress 2021

12/11/2021 - 13/11/2021
37° SIE National Congress 2021

The persistence of the condition linked to the Covid-19 Pandemic has led the Board of Directory of our Society to modify the scientific programming for 2021 deciding to remodel the International Congress, already set and scheduled, in a National event with a streamlined program revised in form, which will involve only Italian Speakers. The Congress venue will be the beautiful Bologna (Palazzo della Cultura e dei Congressi, Piazza della Costituzione 4/A - 40128 Bologna), which will be the scenery of two absolutely captivating days that boast the remarkable scientific contribution of valued Italian Speakers. Two days of deepening and updating of the most important topics of contemporary Endodontics with the most distinguished Italian Endodontists: SIE’s Active members.


Palazzo della Cultura e dei Congressi