Join the ESE as an individual member
Membership benefits:
- The honour of being recognised as a specialist, certified, postgraduate student or dental nurse of the ESE;
- Ability to use the individual membership status (depending on local regulations) on CVs, practice documentation and signage;
- Reduced registration fee at ESE congresses and other meetings;
- Personal details, if desired, available on the ESE website for the general public, general dentists and colleagues to access;
- Subscription to the IEJ online edition;
- Emails informing you of events and news of interest;
- Invitations to social events at ESE congresses and meetings;
- Support of ESE research, developments in education, Position Statement and Guideline development through the individual membership fee;
- Networking with a group of ESE member colleagues;
- Invitation to biennial Autumn meetings;
- Planned scientific oral session dedicated to these groups at the biennial conference
Aggregated fees and conditions:
Application fee:
- There is no application fee for certified and postgraduate membership,
- There is no application fee for those wishing to become specialist members who are current ESE Certified Members.
- The application fee for Society Members, wishing to become specialists is €250.
Membership fees:
- Membership runs from the 1st January to 31st December.
- Membership dues for certified membership are €150. Payment includes subscription to the online International Endodontic Journal (To include a subscription to the printed version there is an extra cost of 105 euros, if not already receiving through national society).
- The Specialist guest membership fee is €215 per year. Payment includes subscription to the online International Endodontic Journal (To include a subscription to the printed version there is an extra cost of 105 euros, if not already receiving through national society).